Our Vision & Mission
Technology is everywhere around us, from our computers to our refrigerators and our cars. Without its development, we would not be able to chat with our friends online, to have light and heat in our homes nor to tell what time it is. In that sense, technology is a truly empowering concept that has resulted in remarkable progress for humanity.
However, as teens and young adults, we are made to believe from a young age that we must pursue university studies before conducting research of our own and contribute to society through innovation. Most of us are told, whether implicitly or explicitly, that at this point in our lives, that we should simply focus on keeping our grades up.
At Kurius, we believe in something different: that anyone and everyone can create technology with the potential to change the world.
Our non-profit organization, Kurius, was created in August of 2019 by a group of passionate young individuals who realized that our educational system lacked the infrastructure and resources for Canadian high school students to thrive in programming. Kurius’ mission is to promote technological education and offer free programming resources to all students in Canada and, eventually, all of North America. We want to provide youth with the means to discover the potential of computer science in all kinds of fields and industries when one adopts a creative and personal touch.
As a volunteer-led student-run nonprofit, we do not have the resources to replace the education system and nor do we plan to; we are simply a place for students who want to go beyond their school’s curriculum with projects that can have a positive impact on society.
We want to encourage students to pursue their personal projects and passion for programming by providing a continuous supply of events and workshops throughout the year with which these young innovators can constantly stimulate themselves intellectually. Through our events, we endeavour to enable the next generation of change-makers to make a positive impact in their community while utilizing technology to their advantage.
Steven Gong
Founder and Chair of Kurius
Kurius to know more? Send us a message info@kurius.ca